Class DoubleMinute

The class DoubleMinute serves for the description of Double Minutes.


New(Description: String)
New(MinCount:Integer, MaxCount: Integer)
Approximate: Boolean
MinimumCount: Integer
MaximumCount: Integer
Metaphases: Integer
clone(): Object {Implements ICloneable.Clone}
toString(): String

Programming Language

  • Microsoft Visual Basic .Net.



Public Sub New()

Instantiates a new DoubleMinute object.


  • None.


  • This constructor is meant for COM compatibility only. For other purposes, its use is not recommended.

Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String)

Instantiates a new DoubleMinute object.


  • Description: a textual description of the double minutes according to the ISCN.


  • ArgumentException: If the textual description of the double minutes does not meet the patterns (regular expressions) used to recognize its constituents, an ArgumentException containing a description of the problem is thrown.


  • A "-" instead of an "~" sign will be also accepted.


  • myDMin = New DoubleMinute("9~34dmin") initializes a DoubleMinute object representing a range of 9 to 34 double minutes.

Public Sub New(ByVal MinCount As Integer, ByVal MaxCount As Integer)

Instantiates a new DoubleMinute object.


  • MinCount: the minimum copy number of double minutes found.
  • MaxCount: the maximum copy number of double minutes found.


  • myDMin = New DoubleMinute(9,34) initializes a DoubleMinute object representing a range of 9 to 34 double minutes.



is implemented with the clone function.


The class does not provide enumerations.


Approximate As Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the copy number of double minutes is an approximate number.

Property Value

  • a value indicating if the copy number of double minutes is an approximate number.


  • this proeprty is useful when no range for the number of double minutes can be given and the value is an estimation only.

MaximumCount As Integer

Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum copy number of double minutes.

Property Value

  • a value indicating the maximum copy number of double minutes.


  • if no range was specified, MaximumCount and MinimumCount will return the same value.
  • when the MaximumCount property is changed later, no actions are taken to enforce that MaximumCount is not less than MinimumCount.


  • With myDMin = New DoubleMinute("9~34dmin"), MaximumCount is 34.
  • With myDMin = New DoubleMinute("~11dmin"), MaximumCount is 11.

MinimumCount As Integer

Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum copy number of double minutes.

Property Value

  • a value indicating the minimum copy number of double minutes.


  • if no range was speified, MaximumCount and MinimumCount will return the same value.
  • when the MinimumCount property is changed later, no actions are taken to enforce that MinimumCount is not greater than MaximumCount.


  • With myDMin = New DoubleMinute("9~34dmin"), MinimumCount is 9.
  • With myDMin = New DoubleMinute("~11dmin"), MinimumCount is 11.

Public Property Metaphases() As Integer

Gets or sets the number of metaphases / cells the double minutes were found in.

Property Value

  • the number of metaphases the double minutes were found in.


  • The number of metaphases an abnormality was found in is an optional value according to the ISCN manual (chapter 11.1.6).
  • It follows after the aberration proper in square brackets, e.g. "~10dmin[7]".


Public Function clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone

Returns a copy of the DoubleMinute object.

Return Value

  • A copy of the DoubleMinute object.



  • The DoubleMinute object does not contain data of reference type, cloning is done by copying all its class wide variables.

Public Shadows Function toString() As String

Returns a textual description of the double minutes according to the ISCN.

Return Value

  • a textual description of the double minutes.

Interaction with other classes

Classes using DoubleMinute

The DoubleMinute class is used by the Karyotype class only.