Class ChromosomeCount
The class ChromosomeCount serves for the description of the chromosome
count field in an ISCN formula.
Programming Language
Microsoft Visual Basic .Net.
Public Sub New()
Instantiates a new ChromosomeCount object.
This constructor is meant for COM compatibility only. For other purposes,
its use is not recommended.
Public Sub New(ByVal Description As String)
Instantiates a new ChromosomeCount object.
Description: a textual description of the chromosome count field
according to the ISCN.
If the textual description of the chromosome count does not meet the pattern
(regular expressions) used to recognize its constituents, or if the number
of chromosomes could not be determined, an Exception containing a description
of the problem is thrown.
A "-" instead of an "~" sign will be also accepted.
The ploidy may also be given in normal brackets ("()") instead of angular
brackets ("<>").
myCC = New ChromosomeCount("39~43") initializes a ChromosomeCount
object representing a range of 39 to 43 chromosomes.
myCC = New ChromosomeCount("69~73<3n>") initializes a ChromosomeCount
object representing a range of 69 to 73 chromosomes in a triploid karyotype.
is implemented with the
clone function.
The class does not provide enumerations.
Approximate As Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating if the copy number of chromosomes is an
approximate number.
Property Value
a value indicating if the copy number of chromosomes is an approximate
this property is useful when no range for the number of chromosomes can
be given and the value is an estimation only.
MaximumCount As Integer
Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum number of chromosomes.
Property Value
a value indicating the maximum number of chromosomes.
if no range was specified, MaximumCount and MinimumCount will return the
same value.
when the MaximumCount property is changed later, no actions are taken to
enforce that MaximumCount is not less than MinimumCount.
With myCC = New ChromosomeCount("39~43"), MaximumCount
is 43.
With myCC = New ChromosomeCount("~51<2n>"), MaximumCount
is 51.
MinimumCount As Integer
Gets or sets a value indicating the minimum number of chromosomes.
Property Value
a value indicating the minimum number of chromosomes.
if no range was speified, MaximumCount and MinimumCount will return the
same value.
when the MinimumCount property is changed later, no actions are taken to
enforce that MinimumCount is not greater than MaximumCount.
With myCC = New ChromosomeCount("39~43"), MinimumCount
is 39.
With myCC = New ChromosomeCount("~51<2n>"), MinimumCount
is 51.
Public Property Ploidy() As Integer
Gets or sets the ploidy the karyotype is calculated towards.
Property Value
the ploidy of the karyotype.
The ploidy value is an optional value according to the ISCN manual (chapter
8.1). If it is not explicitly specified, it is calculated by dividing the
medium number of chromosomes by 23.
It follows after the count proper in angular brackets, e.g. "76~102<4n>".
Public Function clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone
Returns a copy of the ChromosomeCount object.
Return Value
A copy of the ChromosomeCount object.
The ChromosomeCount object does not contain data of reference type, cloning
is done by copying all its class wide variables.
Public Shadows Function toString() As String
Returns a textual description of the ChromosomeCount according to the ISCN.
Return Value
a textual description of the ChromosomeCount.
Interaction with other classes
Classes using ChromosomeCount
The ChromosomeCount class is used by the
class only.