CyDAS Installation Guide

Get the CyDAS application

The CyDAS application is available in archived form from the Download section. Download the file to a temporary location and unzip it to a directory of your choice; we suggest to use "C:\CyDAS".

Then, open a DOS box, change into the above directory and register the ISCNAnalyser library:

  • C:\CyDAS> regasm ISCNAnalyser.dll /tlb

There is no need to register the dll, if you installed to C:\CyDAS and do not want to use CyDAS libraries in your own programs (e.g. VBA scripts in MS Access).

In any case, make sure that all CyDAS users have sufficient access rights to the files in the CyDAS directory and localizer subdirectory. Strange error messages when starting the application may occur if the user cannot read the localizer files. If a windows standard icon is displayed for the CyDAS.exe file or a link to it, this is an indication of insufficient rights.

Get a Database Engine

CyDAS stores data in a database of your choice. Database queries were held as generic as possible with the aim to enable you to use your favorite database engine. It has been tested with:

For performance reasons, the MySQL database engine is recommended. MS Access is very slow, but workable and very easy to setup.

If you do not need to store data in CyDAS, e.g. if you want to analyse single ISCN formulae or draw ideograms of derivative chromosomes only, you do not need to set up a database.

The CyDAS.ini file (located in the installation directory) by default is set to the use of CyDAS without a database:.

In the section "[Database]", the following lines are uncommented by default:
"Engine=NONE", and the line immediately beneath it
The can be commented out by adding a semicolon (";") at the beginning of each line.

Nonetheless, the Microsoft ODBC .Net Data Provider (see below) must be installed on your computer.

Microsoft Access

A Microsoft Access database with the appropriate data structure is included in the CyDAS package. Its name is "CyDAS.mdb" and it is extracted into the same directory as is the rest of the CyDAS package.

CyDAS was tested with Microsoft Office 2000 Premium version 9.00.2816; later or earlier versions were not tested.

To make this Access DB your database, edit the CyDAS.ini file (located in the installation directory) with a common text editor.

In the section "[Database]" uncomment the lines
"Engine=Access" and the line immediately beneath it
by removing the starting semicolon (";").

In the line starting with "ConnectString", edit the following parameters:

  • "Password=Password1;": replace Password1 with your password (in case of an empty password, use quotes ("Password="";").
  • "User ID=User1;": replace User1 with your user name; if you do not use a user name, leave the parameter empty ("User ID=;").
  • "Data Source=C:\CyDAS\CyDAS.mdb;": if you did not install into C:\CyDAS or renamed the db file, adjust this item.
  • "Jet OLEDB:System database=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\system.mdw;": if your system.mdw file is located at a different place, adjust this item accordingly.

  • On a German system, the location is typically C:\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office\system.mdw.
    If there is no system.mdw, remove that parameter.

and then save the ini file.

Make sure that the user named in the ini file has full access rights to the database, including: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATETABLE, and DROPTABLE. Of course, the user must have write privileges on the CyDAS.mdb file.

Microsoft SQL Server

CyDAS was tested with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 version 8.00.194; later or earlier versions were not tested.

In the section "[Database]" uncomment the lines
"Engine=MSSQL" and the line immediately beneath it
by removing the starting semicolon (";").

Setup the database contents similar to the procedure described in the MySQL section (specific description will be added later)


The MySQL database engine is available from MySQL AB.
Point your web browser to From the "Download & Documentation" section, get a current version of the MySQL Database Server and the ODBC connector MySQL Connector/ODBC.
Follow the installation instructions of these items.
The MySQL database and ODBC setup require administrator privileges.

You may add further utilities for maintenance and use of the MySQL database, but they are not needed for its integration into CyDAS.

CyDAS was developed with version 4.018 of the database engine and version 3.51.07 of the ODBC connector; later versions of the database engine require later versions of the ODBC connector, but else they are expected to work equally well.

The script file for the creation of the database and its primary contents is "MySQL_CyDAS.sql". You can execute it as follows:

  • open a DOS box (Start � Execute � cmd)
  • change directory to C:\CyDAS
  • start a MySQL console application ("mysql �u root �p"; you are prompted for the root password)
  • execute the script file ("source MySQL_CyDAS.sql"); you may ignore warnings
  • leave the MySQL console application and the DOS box ("quit" and "exit")

To make this MySQL DB your database, edit the CyDAS.ini file (located in the installation directory) with a common text editor.

In the section "[Database]" uncomment the lines
"Engine=MySQL" and the line immediately beneath it
by removing the starting semicolon (";").

In the line starting with "ConnectString", edit the following parameters:

  • "PASSWORD=Password1": replace Password1 with your password (in case of an empty password, use quotes ("PASSWORD=""").
  • "UID=User1": replace User1 with your user name

and save the ini file.

You may install the database engine on a different computer, this will enhance performance for all tasks requiring database queries. Still, the MySQL Connector / ODBC must be installed on the computer on which you are running CyDAS.

In the CyDAS.ini file (see above), the server name (or its IP address) must be given in the "ConnectString" line, i.e. you must replace "localhost" with the name of the computer (or its IP address) on which the MySQL database server was installed.

Getting System Files

CyDAS links several libraries from Microsoft which are maybe not yet present on your installation. Links for downloading them from the Microsoft web site (generally at now charge) are provided on the Download page and below. Follow their respective install guides. You will need administrator privileges in order to install these items.

Integrating CyDAS into your Computer

After the above installation, you may want to create links to CyDAS on appropriate places.

Icon on the desk top

Many users prefer starting an application by clicking on an icon on their desk top. This can be established as follows:

  • open a Microsoft Windows Explorer Window, and therein the directory C:\CyDAS (or your installation directory)
  • open another Microsoft Windows Explorer Window, and therein the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop"
  • in the first window, right click on "CyDAS.exe" and drag the symbol into the second window.
  • select "create link" from the menu
  • rename the link (in the second window) to "CyDAS"

Start menu

CyDAS can be integrated into the start menu as follows:

  • open a Microsoft Windows Explorer Window, and therein the directory C:\CyDAS (or your installation directory)
  • open another Microsoft Windows Explorer Window, and therein the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs"
  • in the first window, right click on "CyDAS.exe" and draw the symbol into the second window.
  • select "create link" from the menu
  • rename the link (in the second window) to "CyDAS"