Import Filters

A set of import filters was predifined, but they can be changed or new ones can be written depending on your needs.

Upto now, all import filters define parameters for the three main import functions:

cif File

The CyDAS Import Filter (cif) file is a text file which can be edited with any common text editor. It stores the parameters for an import filter. The general structure of entries is:


The file name of an import filter is FilterName.cif.

Basically, the parameters are:


The Type parameter defines the data structure. Three values are allowed: Mitelman, CDB, and CGH.

Example: For a file in Mitelman data structure, use:



The DefaultFile parameter shows the typical file name for the data file. It is shown in the import dialog.

Example: If the file name is "C:\CyDAS\CyDAS_Data.txt", use:



The separator defines the character used for delimiting the data fields in each line. Useful values are a tabulator character (which must be encoded as vbTab) or a pipe ("|") character. Comma and semicolon are not usable because they occur inside the data fields (e.g. in an ISCN formula).

Example: If the separator should be an underline ("_"), use:



The origin denotes with a single character where the data originated from. "M" is used for data from the Mitelman database, here CyDAS can find the corresponding references in the Mitelman database and point your browser to that location if requested. You may differentiate between your distinct data sources and use many different values, but CyDAS actually differentiates between "M" on the one side and all other values on the other side only.


The HasHeaderLine parameter shows if a header line is present in the data file. If none is present, it is set to 0, else to 1.


  • If no header line is present, use:

  • HasHeaderLine=0
  • If a header line is present, use:

  • HasHeaderLine=1


The OneKaryotypePerLine parameter is for CDB type filters only. It shows if all clones of a karyotype are given within one field in a line (0) or with one line per clone of a karyotype (1).

Example: If all clones of a karyotypes are given in one field (separated by "/"), use:


Registering Import Filters

All import filters must be registered in the CyDAS.ini file in the section [ImportFilter]. For each filter to be used, a line has to be entered showing the filter and its name:

Filter2=CDB1 means that the second filter to be shown in the import dialog has the name "CDB1".

Deleting a Filter

Filters can simply be removed by removing their entry from the ini file or by outcommenting the entry by writing a semicolon (;) before it.

Renaming a Filter

If a filter is to be renamed, it is renamed in this entry, and its cif file must be renamed to correspond to ist new name. E.g. if you want to rename CDB1 to myFilter, edit the entry "Filter2=CDB1" to "Filter2=myFilter", and then rename CDB1.cif to myFilter.cif.

Adding a New Filter

If you created a new filter as described above, store it as a cif file with an appropriate name, e.g. myFilter.cif. Then edit the CyDAS.ini file as described above and enter a line for the new filter in the section [ImportFilter], e.g. Filter9=myFilter. Note that you use here the file name without the extension ".cif".